
(手抄稿 第九册 p155)

The remains of that vomit-like food enter from above through the umbilical cords opening and generate growth. Through the thickening, quivering, elongated, and globular stages, the embryo is completely transformed into a fetus with arms and legs. The placenta encloses its arms, legs, and cheeks. Reeking like an old rag used for mucus, the stench is unbearable. 


p. 158

Enshrouded in pitch darkness, it moves up and down. The bitter, sour, pungent, salty, spicy, and astringent tastes of food affect it like hot coals. Like an intestinal worm, it feeds on filthy fluids; it finds itself in a swamp that oozes rotting filth. Its lifeforce is unstable. The heat of its mother’s body torments, heats, and overheats it all in three degrees: slightly, moderately, and greatly. It experiences distressing, intense, violent, and unbearable agony. Whenever its mother moves a little, moderately, or greatly, it also moves in the same way, constrained by five bonds. It experiences agony that is distressing, intense, violent, unbearable, and almost inconceivable, as though it had been thrust into a pit of burning cinders. 


前面是经上的,不仔细解释。我们真正修行的话就要学这个,自己真正要用功的时候,你就这样先把那个道理你去弄懂,弄懂了就想。如果你想不出来,简单极了,简单 (p156) 极了!哦,现在都不大简单,我们小的时候比较好;现在的那些卫生设备,说起来叫卫生,说起来好!这样。所以以前我曾经遇见一个老师,那个老师就告诉我们:“现在人真颠倒,邪见增长,我们那时候,处处都是修行。它现在装饰得,每一个地方装饰得真美,乃至于那太平间,人死了以后,哎呀!装饰得、还要画得就像那个……。一切的进去的时候,没有一点点丧事的气氛让你,只是因为你的亲人的感受。”我现在想想越想越对,我们小的时候,哪里有现在的卫生设备,这没有的—坑!你一坑一跑得去,跑得老远那个苍蝇飞起来,那个臭气啊!这样,然后你看那个蛆在里边……。我们在母胎当中就这个样,说实在的就这个样!

啊!所以你一定要用这种方法,实际上呢比它还要苦。欸,它这个蛆,在这个粪坑里只是臭一点,它不会逼、不会炙。我们在这个地方不但又臭又脏,而且又压又冷、又寒又热,没有一个不具足,这样。不过,但是并不一定完全如此喔,有很多如果生,他的善业的话,他在这个地方母胎当中是很安乐的。但是这个地方我们不要去想善业,就是说,如果说你不如法地去修苦的话,将来你总有一天,生了天下来的还是这个;这个还是最好的,你还要堕落地狱当中去。所以这个地方的特质,你要把最苦的想出来;想了以后,然后呢,被苦的力量推动你拼命去跳出来,这是他的目的,这个我们要重点要了解的。所以 (p157) 他下面是解释,解释我也只把它念一遍。

Similarly, it is said that the fetus is harmed in the womb when the mother eats too much or too little; eat food that is too oily, pungent, cold, hot, salty, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, or astringent; indulges her sexual desires; runs too much or too fast; jumps or swims; or sits or squats in front of the fire. It is also said that the fetus is confined by the stomach and held firm by the intestines, 



as though it were bound by five bonds or impaled on a stake. There is even further suffering when the infant emerges from the womb and is born into the outside. Candragomin's 《Letter to a Student》 says: 



It is crushed slowly, like sesame seeds in an oil press, and then somehow it is born. Nonetheless, those who do not lose their lives immediately must settle for pain. The body that dwelt and grew in that filth is smeared with the wombs slime and has an unbearably foul smell. Memory is lost upon being inflicted with such torment, which is like having an inflamed boil burst or being on the verge of vomiting. 


出来的时候,就像压油一样,不晓得你们看见过榨油?现在的榨油用化学提炼,我们以前那个榨油,那真是!先把油摆在锅子里面烧,烤得热得不得了,先把他压扁,压扁了以后呢烤热, (p158) 烤了以后放一个笼里边,然后用大铁锤去压,那个不得了的力量。现在我看见人家锻钢筋,以前老法的锻钢筋拿了大铁锤叭一锤下去,把那钢筋弄断了。他那个榨油的人,那工人也是一样,那手都是这么粗,打那个大铁锤,那我们被出生的时候就是用这种方法,要现在那个铁锤,不要说碰到一下,你轻轻的那个铁锤放下来压在你脚指头上的话,压的你哇哇叫,现在那出生的是那么苦法!这是处处地方告诉我们。

The 《Descent into the Womb Sūtra》 explains the meaning of these Words: 



Thus, when all its major and minor limbs have developed, the fetus stirs in a frightful, pitch-dark place of urine that oozes rot, has an unbearable stench, is contaminated by excrement and urine, and continually dripping with foul-smelling filth, blood, and putrid fluids. Energy arising from the maturation of previous karma makes its feet turn up and its head turn down toward the opening. With both arms drawn in, it is slightly, moderately, and utterly smashed between two machines of bone. The distressing, intense, violent, and unbearable agonies cause all the limbs of the body—painful as fresh wounds—to turn blue. All of the body's organs become hot. Since the uterine slime is now much reduced, the surface of the body dries out, and so the lips, throat, and heart become parched. 


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Confined and full of insufferable dread, it emerges—however difficult this may be—when drawn out by the influence of causes and conditions, by energies arising from the maturation of previous karma. Once outside, the air burns like caustic liquid on a wound; the mere touch of a hand or a cloth feels like the cut of a sword. It experiences distressing, intense, violent, and unbearable agony. 

【住此迫迮难忍苦处。此由因缘增上,宿业异熟生风吹促至极艰辛,始得产出。生已无间,被外风触如割涂灰,手衣触时如利剑割,当受 (p159) 粗猛难忍非悦极大苦受。”】


It is said that when taken up onto someones lap and the like, or touched with hot or cold objects, the newborn baby experiences distressing, intense, violent, and unbearable agony, like a flayed cow being eaten by vermin or a leper whose lesions are struck with a whip. 


然后呢,大人看见很欢喜把他抱起来,抱的时候,他碰到任何一个地方,碰到的无非 (p160) 是……所以那个小孩子一生下来,哭啊!就是这样,就是这个原因,他痛苦嘛!每一样东西都是难以忍受的,都不是好的。

Among the eight types of sufferings, regard this first type, along with the eighth type the suffering of the five appropriated aggregates, as the most crucial and meditate upon both of them. 



Therefore, as explained before, you should repeatedly investigate them with discerning wisdom and meditate on them. 



所以这个世间你了解了,没有第二条路好走的。往往有人说,唉呀,弄弄不行, (p161) 要退转去了。假如退转去安乐的话,我第一个退转,我绝对不愿意跑得来受这个罪。因为我现在了解得清楚、明白,没有第二条路好走的。现在你虽然苦,你拼命努力有跳出苦的机会,你现在这一点小苦都受不了,退转,后面是无边的大苦等在这里。现在这么小苦你受不了要退转,你那个无边的大苦就受得了了吗?那这是个最重要的概念。为什么我们要退转呢?就是糊涂!所以这些都是真正帮忙我们的。所以说,在这里虽然不讲,对你们修行这个是最重要的,最重要的!现在我们继续下去,反正每一个地方,我们晓得它的功效在什么地方。如果生这种病的时候,马上跑得来找这个药,这个药是对我们的正对治。那么生晓得了,老:

(ii) The suffering of old age There are five points to contemplate: 1) A handsome body deteriorates: your backbends down like a bow; your head is white like the drawa (spraba) grass flower; wrinkles cover your forehead like the lines of a cutting board, In ways such as these, youth breaks down and you become unattractive. 

【◎ 思惟老苦分五。盛色衰退者,谓腰曲如弓,头白如艾,额如砧板,皱纹充满,由如是等,衰其容貌令成非爱。】

第一个老了,老了以后,平常你站起来,站得很挺,到那个时候腰也站不起来了,像弓。唉!我现在已经深深感觉到了,晓得要坐得好好的,坐了一下,啊!这腰酸背痛那没 (p162) 办法,就这样,就下来了。其实,其实你们没有老,我们在这里很多人未老先衰啊已经,真可怜哪,赶快好好努力啊!尤其是心理上面,有一些人,这个是更重要啊,更重要啊!然后呢“头白如艾”,到那个时候看看那个头发都白了,这样。“面额如砧板”,砧板什么样子?平常我们那个皮肤非常细嫩,那个砧板的样子,那个刀痕切得都是,到我们老了,这个面就是这样。尤其是女性这个地方特别注意,不要说:“唉呀,这个修道很苦啊!”你想到这里,也是唯一的一条路,这是唯一的一条路,回去没退路好想的。“皱纹充满”,这个“容貌令非可爱”,并不一定是女性,凡是你欢喜这个的话,那这一点对你特别有价值。第二:

2) Physical strength and vigor deteriorate: for example, when you sit down, you drop like a sack of dirt cut from a rope; when you rise up, it is like uprooting a tree; when you speak, you are incoherent; and when you walk, you stumble. 


第二个气力衰了,坐下来的时候如断袋索。什么叫断袋索啊?那个袋啊这样,它平常的时候那个绑住的,然后呢,袋一放“噗通!”一下,人老了就是这样的,跑到那个凳子上就“卡嗒!”一下坐下来了。唉!站呢实在站不动。平常我们坐好好的,站起来啊,站不起来,唉!站起来是千难万难。现在你们不大会感觉得到的,但是生病的时候就是这个状态,哎呀, (p163) 这个站起来那个脚里面实在是没有气力啊!讲话的时候迟钝,行步的时候迟缓。

3 ) The senses deteriorate: your eyes cannot see forms clearly, and so forth; and the power of memory and the other faculties wanes due to extreme forgetfulness, and so on. 



4) Enjoyment of sense objects fades: you have difficulty digesting food and drink, and cannot enjoy desirable objects. 



5) The deterioration of life is painful: as your life nears exhaustion, you head rapidly toward death. Think about these points again and again. 



As the 《Extensive Sport Sūtra》 says: As aging progresses and we pass a certain point, 

(p164) 【《广大游戏经》中亦云:“由老令老坏少壮,】


We are like a tree struck by lightning, 



Withered by old age like a terrible, decrepit house. O Sage, speak quickly about an escape from old age. 



Age enfeebles the masses of men and women
As a windstorm strips vines from a grove of sal trees. 
Age steals our vigor, skill, and strength— 
It is as though we are stuck in mud. 



Age makes attractive bodies unattractive. 
Age steals our glory and our strength. 
Age steals our happiness and subjects us to insults. 
Age takes our vigor, age begets death. 

(p165) 【老令妙色成丑陋,老夺威德夺势力,老夺安乐作毁訾,老夺光泽而令死。”】


Jen-nga-wa said: The pain of death is horrible but brief; how horrible is aging! 



Ga-ma-pa said: "It is well that aging happens little by little. If it happened all at once, it would be intolerable." 



不想则已,有的时候,我现在已经有这个感觉,有的时候真是!千真万确的,不管 (p166) 是你哪一方面,刚才前面所说的每一样东西,我倒不大在乎我的头发白,也不在乎我的面孔上的皮肤像砧板一样。可是的的确确坐下来的时候,叫我慢慢吞吞,我就坐在那里“卡嗒!”就坐下来;站起来的就像拔树一样,站了个半天,实在好辛苦。然后呢跟你们讲,有的时候是清楚明白得不得了的事情,咦?讲到口边就是那个名字就记不起来,想了个半天不晓得,想不起来。而且眼前的人喔,就这么眼前的人,这是念力是衰退会到这种程度啊!你们无法想像的,会是这样的一个严重法。


所以我一早起来,欸!看见对面那个同修他真好,他的灯光总是……。我一早起来最大的欢喜,就是看见那个灯光。哎呀,赞叹啊!我说我虽然是老了,这个人还在修年轻啊!而我成就赞到年轻的功德。另外呢,另一个人在那儿,我在那里已经起来了洗了个半天,他还在那边拖啰沓拉在那个地方,钟已经敲完了,敲鼓了,他还在那儿,还在刚刚洗 (p167) 脸。以前我心里面总觉得这个人怎么样,现在我也学会了,唉!我觉得这个人真可惜啊!我可不要这样啊,他可策励我啊!欸,好啊!真好啊!我但愿你们也能如此。所以你不要为人家而惊,不要为人家而生烦恼。总之,一方面对你自己增长,一方面珍惜你自己呀!处处地方要把前面告诉我们这个道理,你多思惟;你多思惟了,你就开始可以努力了。现在我们下面看苦:

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(iii) The suffering of illness. Here there are also five points to contemplate: 

【◎ 思惟病苦分五。】


1) Illness changes the nature of the body: the flesh wastes away, the skin dries out, and so forth. 
2) Pain and anguish increase and are seldom absent: the elements of the body—water, earth, air, and fire—are not in equilibrium and fluctuate chaotically, causing physical torment, which in turn produces mental anguish. You spend night and day in this state. 



3) There is no desire for attractive things: 


(p168) 平常的时候,你要眼睛也好,吃也好、玩也好,那个时候都不行了。

as you are told that desirable things harm those who are sick, you cannot indulge in them freely; and you do not have the range of movements and postures that you would wish. 
4) You must have recourse, however unwillingly, to unpleasant objects: the sick are forced to take unpalatable medicine, food, drink, and the like; and have to rely on harsh therapies that involve such things as being burned with fire or being penetrated with instruments. 



5) You lose your vital energy: it is painful to realize that your illness is terminal. Reflect with care upon these points.



As the《Extensive Sport Sūtra》 says: Hundreds of illnesses and the pain of rampant disease afflict us, just as humans oppress wild animals. 



Regard the beings overwhelmed by old age and disease and quickly speak about escape from suffering. 



In deep winter, wind and great blizzards Take the vigor from the grasses, shrubs, trees, and herbs. In the same way, disease takes the vigor out of living beings; It breaks down their faculties, physical appearance, and strength. 


(p169) 一样!

It will drain a great fortune in wealth and grain to the last. Disease constantly humiliates living beings; It harms them and is contemptuous of beauty. It torments them, like the sun beating down from the sky. 


这个文字也不必解释,这个文字自己仔细地观察,反正像这种东西自己都体会得到的,很容易。体会得到的,体会;体会不到的,信得过佛,努力去思惟、观察。现在目前这个时候最切要的一件事情,我们一定要把这个概念提起来。 最后,生、老、病、死当中,“死”:

(iv) The suffering of death Again, there are five points to contemplate: 
1) You are separated from objects that are fine and attractive. 
2) You are separated from close relatives who are fine and attractive. 
3) You are separated from companions who are fine and attractive. 
4) You are deprived of a body that is fine and attractive. 
5) As you die, you experience terrible pain and anguish. Reflect on these repeatedly, until you become disenchanted. 

【◎ 思惟死苦分五。谓舍离圆满可爱财位,舍离圆满可爱亲族,舍离圆满可爱朋翼,舍离圆满可爱身体,死时当受猛利忧苦,乃至意未厌此诸苦,当数思惟。】


How do the first four of these constitute suffering? You suffer upon seeing that you are losing these four excellent things. 


(p170) 这个就是说财位、亲属等等。

The《Extensive Sport Sūtra》: You die and pass on to another life, and in so doing you are forever separated from people who are beautiful and beloved. Like a leaf fallen from a tree, or the current of a river, you will never return and meet them again. Death makes the powerful weak. Death takes you away, as a river carries away a log. People go alone, unaccompanied, with no companion—powerless because their karma has its effects. 



Death seizes myriad living beings, as sea-monsters seize swarms of creatures, as an eagle seizes a snake, or a lion an elephant, as fire takes hold of grass, trees, and swarming creatures. 




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(v) The suffering of encountering what is unpleasant. Here there are also five points to contemplate: 

(p171) 【◎ 思惟怨憎会苦分五。】


1) Merely encountering your enemies, for example, causes pain and anguish. 
2) You dwell in fear of being punished by them. 
3)You fear they will speak maliciously, without kind words. 
4) You dread death. 
5) You worry that you will go to a miserable realm after death for having acted in ways contrary to the teaching. Reflect on these. 



那么又怕他,这总的,怕他伤害你,怕他伤害你,这第二个。由于这样,同时呢“怖畏恶名”,这个怨家,大家都—你说我不对,我说你不对,那么种种的对我们的诽谤。然后呢,“遭非赞颂”,赞跟颂是我们希望的,在这种情况之下,他偏偏不但得不到,而且伤害你。还有呢,怖畏恼死,不但是眼前实际上的名誉,实质上的伤害,而且乃至于因此而送掉性命。送掉了性命呢,“违正法故”,还要怕死后堕落恶趣,这样。这个五个方 (p172) 面。怨的呢偏偏碰到,反过来你希望的嘛,偏偏要别离!

(vi) The suffering of separation from what is pleasant. Again, there are five points to contemplate. When you are separated from a very dear relative, for example: 
1) In your mind, sorrow arises. 



2) In your speech, you lament. 



3) You bring harm to your own body. 
4) You are saddened, recalling and missing the good qualities of what you have lost. 
