Our BW Monastery's Arts and Culture Department was set up in April 2018 with the objectives to bring joy and happiness to everyone. Through various regular activities and courses, such as singing insightful praises and Buddhist hymns and being in our Chinese Orchestra. BW Monastery hopes to enrich your life and mind with wisdom and joy!
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On November 3-4 2018, BW Monastery's Arts and Culture Department proudly presented our 2018 Joyous Rhapsody - "HOPE" concerts. Here are some of the exciting moments captured! We hope the audience had thoroughly enjoyed the mesmerizing performances brought to you by renowned violinist and conductor, Mr Wang Zi Cheng as well as various BWM performing groups!
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
吉祥宝聚寺文化艺术处于2018年11月3-4日非常荣幸邀请王子承老师、时大音乐台湾代表——谢孟其老师,台湾梦莲花文艺基金会的课长——梁宏毅老师为我们诠释赞颂的意趣及提升团体的音乐水平,参加者逾450人。四堂的音乐深造课分别为: 赞颂 (初级、中级)、乐团 、年轻乐手。
Arts and Culture 文化艺术
Various Regular Activities and Courses 各项活动与课程