Debrief for Joyous Rhapsody: ‘Navigator Of Our Infinite Lives with Gratitude’ Concert 吉祥悦《生命的领航者》音乐会的结行

On June 29 2024, the Main Organising Team of Joyous Rhapsody held a post-event debrief of the Joyous Rhapsody Concert ‘Navigator Of Our Infinite Lives’. About 24 students attended the debrief.


Our main organising team lead for this event cum Arts and Culture Department, Deputy Director, Miss Angeline Liu, together with the Assistant Team Leads: Ms Jennifer Wong and Ms Tay Chai Nee, shared the event report and feedback for this year’s concert. 

We deeply rejoiced and praised all performers and volunteers for their commitment and dedication. Through the Insightful Praises offered at the concert, they propagated the Dharma and benefited sentient beings, enabling more disciples of our lineage masters to return and be guided to follow the Buddha’s teachings on their path towards perfect enlightenment.



深深随喜赞叹他们的勇悍承担与付出,透过赞颂弘法利生,找回更多师父老师的弟子,同时也被老师的大乘誓言所利益着 - 生生世世追随师父老师学弘宗大师清净圆满教法、直至成佛、永不退心。

Two of the performing group leads, Sister Liu Hui Hua and Sister Sylvia Lim, shared their reflections on their performing experiences which in turn strengthened their faith. Sister Hui Hua shared with us how she managed the Auspicious Joyous Choir Section which included students who joined for only 3 months to those who have been with them for several years. With deepest gratitude to the Triple Gems, they successfully managed to perform three Insightful Praises together with items of collaboration with our Auspicious Xin Pin Chinese Orchestra Section. 

Sister Sylvia Lim expressed her gratitude towards the annual organisation of the Joyous Rhapsody concerts. These concerts brought about the opportunities for her family members like her grandmother previously and her father in this year’s concert who enjoyed Sylvia’s performances with Heyday CO at the monastery.

两位表演者受邀分享他们对师长的修信念恩和学习的心得。  他们是惠华师姐和Sylvia 师姐。






师父说成办一件事离不开师法友,我们都做到了! 感恩师长给我们这么美的团体!再次谢谢,我们明年见!


Rejoice Sister Doris who volunteered in the concert as Group Lead also did her OMAK sharing.


Our ANC Director, Sister Irene Lee, expressed her gratitude to the Main Organising Team, the cadres and volunteers of Arts and Cultural Department, the performers and volunteers of Joyous Rhapsody and to all the other warriors who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make the concert a success. Year after year, they make offerings of voice and Insightful Praises to the Triple Gems, Bodhisattvas and lineage masters.

All these efforts will benefit all sentient beings including themselves on their Bodhicitta path. It is truly admirable. Deeply grateful to everyone!

A slideshow was created for all performers and volunteers to take a walk down 2024 concert’s memory lane.




15th of the Lunar Month: 88 Buddha Repentance Puja


Over 300 attended the Class Cadres Enrichment Camp