Guanyin Lots


Consult the Goddess of Mercy for a divination lot in our Guanyin Hall and receive a complimentary interpretation from our seasoned lot interpreters!

In myriad supplications come myriad fulfilments;
In the sea of suffering, the merciful guide persists in
ferrying beings to liberation.
Namo Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva of Great Compassion!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Guanyin Pusa – or the Goddess of Mercy – goes by many names and is renowned for great compassion. The Bodhisattva hears the cries of all beings and swiftly comes to their aid, freeing them from suffering.

    Guanyin Lots, following worldly customs, can discern fortune and misfortune, virtue and evil. In times of trouble and uncertainty, we can confide in Guanyin Pusa, who listens and provides guidance when asked.

    As long as one holds sincere faith in Guanyin Pusa and earnestly recites the name of the Bodhisattva, heartfelt prayers will receive clear guidance.

  • The devotee asks a question in their prayer and draws a numbered lot from a container. Each lot corresponds to a specific message or guidance, providing insights into one’s current situation, challenges, and potential solutions.

  • Yes, all devotees, regardless of race, language or religion, may participate in this practice.

  • You may ask any question you want — these lots are seen as a way of seeking wisdom and direction. Remember to keep to one question per lot and be as specific as possible when describing your question to the Bodhisattva in your prayer.

  • Many devotees have given feedback that they found the lots to be insightful and resonant with their situations. This may differ for each person, however – it is important to note that the accuracy of lots often depends on our faith and the sincerity of our prayers.

  • Consider the outcome with an open mind, free from needless worry.

    If the lot seems “ominous”, recognise it as a result of past karma. Reflect, pray, and commit to positive change.

    If it seems “auspicious”, stay grounded. Don't let excitement overwhelm you.

    If it seems to be “neutral”, remember that all virtuous deeds yield fruit when conditions are ripe. None is in vain; all contribute to progress.

    May we find wisdom in these teachings, guiding us to transient and ultimate happiness.

  • There is no limit to how often you can use Guanyin Lots and how many questions you may ask.

    If you do ask the same question repeatedly, remember that the lot received each time is based on your most recent circumstances.

  • Respectful and sincere conduct is crucial. Do be advised to pray with a heart of pure faith, and to make your requests with humility and gratitude.

    For more on how to pray for a lot, please refer to the instructions in the Guan Yin Hall.

  • Offerings of incense, flowers and other symbolic items as gestures of gratitude are common but not mandatory. More importantly, devotees are advised to make earnest prayers and supplication to the Bodhisattva frequently.

  • Fret not, for we have a curated panel of seasoned lot interpreters in the monastery who can help decipher your lots. You are encouraged to seek clarification from them to learn more, especially if you are new to this practice.

Guanyin Lots Interpreted

Select your lot number for the interpretation!

Guanyin Chronicles

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南无大慈大悲 救苦救难
广大灵感 观世音菩萨!


  • 观世音菩萨具有平等无私的广大悲愿,慈愍众生。听到呼唤的声音即来救护,令他脱离困苦。观世音菩萨灵签,服顺世俗人情,能够测知吉凶善恶。只要对观音菩萨有至诚的信心,一心专注称念观世音菩萨的名号,诚恳的祈求必会得到明确的指示。

  • 信徒能把自己的疑问向菩萨啟白,并从签筒中抽取一支签。每支签都有相对应的法语或指导,提供能解决当前情况和挑战的方案与见解。

  • 是的,无论种族、语言或宗教,都可来求签。

  • 您能随心所欲的问问题——这些签被视为寻求智慧和方向的一种方式。请尽量针对一个问题求签,并在向菩萨祈祷时尽可能地具体描述您的问题。

  • 许多信徒反馈称,他们发现签的见解与他们的情况契合且富有洞察力。然而,这可能因人而异——需要注意的是,签的准确性通常取决于我们的信心和祈祷的真诚程度。

  • 对求签结果,应豁达面对,避免患得患失。





  • 您可随时求观音签,随心所欲地向菩萨问问题。


  • 尊重和真诚的行为至关重要。务请以诚心,谦卑和感恩的心态,虔诚地向菩萨祈祷。


  • 信众常以献供香、鲜花和其他供品的方式来表达感恩的心意,但这并非强制性要求。更重要的是,希望信众更频繁地向菩萨发出真诚的祈祷。

  • 别担心,寺院有一个经验丰富的解签员团队,他们会乐意为您解签。特别是如果您初次求签,也鼓励您向他们寻求更多信息。




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