Lot 38
Prophecy: Inauspicious
The moon shines silently onto the house,
Sudden clouds and fog dims the beam.
Pray generously and wait for the fog to lift,
Now is the time for more meaningful deeds.
Outlook for the family is ominous, there may be disaster or sorrow. Pray for protection and stay optimistic but be prepared for any loss of fortune.
The moon is overshadowed by clouds and fog.
Your wishes are yet to be fulfilled, you should let things remain status quo.
You sincerely hoped for a good situation, but what came was like being covered by clouds, meaning the prospects are confused. Rather than praying for the clouds to disappear, it is better to spend time doing more charity and praying to the Buddha and deities.
This is an inauspicious lot.
Outlook for the family is ominous, likely to encounter disaster or grief. You wish to pray & seek blessings and protection, but yet you worry about the costs.
Not safeSelf:
Do good pray for blessings & protectionInvestment and financial management:
Have difficultyBusiness:
Better to keep as presentAgriculture and commerce:
Wait for opportunitiesAcademic and examination:
Work harderMarriage:
Difficult to matchBirth:
False alarmTraveller:
LossMissing person:
Will meetMissing things:
Not foundLawsuit:
AmiableMigrating and moving house:
Keep as currentSickness:
Recovery period is longAncestral grave:
Should make repairs