Lot 33
Prophecy: Neutral
Hidden within are priceless gems and jewels,
Outside, one searches in vain for the same.
Why not wait for the right connoisseur,
Who will open your mind to the treasures within?
Gold and jade are hidden within yet you continue a futile search outside and beyond. You will receive guidance and no longer have to labor.
A jade is hidden nearby yet one searches far away for gems. Be patient and wait for the right time.
Everyone has priceless virtues hidden within our hearts. Therefore, you need not seek externally for them. It is better to wait for the right mentor to open your mind. This you can be assured.
This is a neutral lot.
Why seek externally for talents and virtues which you already have? If you can have a benefactor to guide you, you won't have to work so hard.
Accumulate merits and pray for blessingsSelf:
SafeInvestment and financial management:
Keep present status and wait for opportunityBusiness:
Delay tradingAgriculture and commerce:
Better keep present statusCareer:
Wait for right timeAcademic and examination:
Will succeed if work hardMarriage:
Now is the right timeBirth:
ProsperousMissing person:
Need to put in effortsMissing things:
Will shelfMigrating and moving house:
Don't rush to changeSickness:
Will meet an excellent physicianAncestral grave: