Lot 74
Prophecy: Inauspicious
Like a snow goose that files blindly into a cage,
Tried as it may, it cannot be free.
North, South, East, West, all the ways are blocked.
This Lot foretells an endless regret.
You may neither move forward nor move back. Lie low and continue, successes and failures are pre-destined.
A huge swan plunges itself into the trap. Many things are not what they seemed.
Just like a swan that flies blindly into a cage, it is difficult to fly out again. There is no escape route in all directions. Hence, this lot foretells endless sorrow.
This is an inauspicious lot.
Moving forward is impossible and moving backwards is very tough too. All is impossible so quietly accept that success or failure is predestined.
Not safeSelf:
Trapped & not smoothInvestment and financial management:
Meet vile charactersBusiness:
Will lose moneyAgriculture and commerce:
Lack of luck, poor harvestCareer:
Keep a low profile and be cautious.Academic and examination:
Need to work hardMarriage:
Mutually harmful, advisable to be cautiousBirth:
Prevent dangers, take care of your healthTraveller:
Obstruction enrouteHusbandry:
Plague will occurMissing person:
No newsMissing things:
The process is treacherousLawsuit:
Expect calamity, do more good & pray for blessingsMigrating and moving house:
Not smooth, remain as isChange:
Better not to change, no good end even if changeSickness:
ProlongedAncestral grave:
Pray for blessings soonest & do good