Lot 48
Prophecy: Neutral
Come Autumn, the partridge will transform into a Roc.
With great joy and cheer, it flies up.
Soaring high and higher among the clouds,
Beyond the reach of many other fowls.
A partridge is transformed into a Roc – something not for every bird. Pluck a branch from the heavenly tree and your wealth and fortune will multiply on their own.
A partridge is transformed into a Roc. A dramatic change will bring great fortune.
In autumn, a partridge is transformed into a large Roc, soaring joyfully in the air, straight up the sky, excelling, which the other birds could not catch up with.
This is a neutral lot.
Only a partridge can transform into a Roc but no other birds can. When the time comes to ascend to a high position, wealth and blessings will keep on growing naturally.
AuspiciousInvestment and financial management:
Favorable in SpringBusiness:
Should be delayedAgriculture and commerce:
Bravely go through the testAcademic and examination:
Work hard and accumulate strengthMarriage:
Not suitableBirth:
Obstruction en routeHusbandry:
Favorable in SpringMissing person:
FoundMissing things:
In the WestLawsuit:
VictoriousMigrating and moving house:
Keep as originalChange:
Maintain status quoSickness:
Accumulate merits, pray for protection & blessingsAncestral grave: