Lot 49
Prophecy: Neutral
The winter’s cold freezes the water to ice.
Why hanker after fame and glory?
Best to remain and contemplate quietly,
All will be clear when the leaves grow again.
Cold water freezes to solid ice. Ice melts into water. The success of any plan or scheme is up to Heaven to decide.
Cold water turns into ice. Do not attempt anything beyond your capability to have or do.
Just like being stuck in a difficult situation where freezing winter turns dripping water into ice, why bother to seek fame? Best to wait quietly for good luck to come, then the future will be bright and naturally clear.
This is a neutral lot.
Cold water freezes to ice and ice melts into water. If you have a plan, the result will be as so.
Accumulate merits, pray for protection & blessingsInvestment and financial management:
ObstructionAgriculture and commerce:
Not suitable to seek fame aggressivelyAcademic and examination:
Accumulate more merits through’ blessings if your results are not satisfactoryMarriage:
Not suitableBirth:
Late on arrivingHusbandry:
LossMissing person:
Will be foundMissing things:
Cannot be foundLawsuit:
Amiable settlementMigrating and moving house:
Maintain status quoChange:
Remain as presentSickness:
Difficult to recoverAncestral grave: