Lot 65
Prophecy: Inauspicious
What you see as happy before may not be so,
Neither danger nor safety will it be.
Cutting one’s own flesh to patch one’s injury is dumb,
Better to remain and wait for the time.
An intelligent man knows when to stop, when to proceed.
Cutting one’s flesh only brings more pain and little relief.
A foolish man cuts his own flesh to patch his injury, inflicting more injuries on himself. One should maintain status quo and wait for the right time.
The joy at hand is not genuine, although there is no danger, it does not mean that you get peace. Why do you cut your flesh to patch a sore? A wiser course is to make no change and wait for the right opportunity.
This is an inauspicious lot.
A man of prudence knows when to stop and when to forgive. No matter which part of the body you cut, the pain inflicted is still the same.
Not safeSelf:
Disputes and quarrelsInvestment and financial management:
Not favorableBusiness:
Will meet vile characterAgriculture and commerce:
SteadyAcademic and examination:
There is a scare but not dangerMarriage:
Tolerance by both union can last longBirth:
There is a scareTraveller:
Obstruction enrouteHusbandry:
DamageMissing person:
Invites gossips and rumoursMissing things:
Difficult to findLawsuit:
LossMigrating and moving house:
Maintain status quoChange:
Stay putSickness:
Will recurAncestral grave:
Do good, pray for blessings