Lot 82
Prophecy: Neutral
The fierce flames scorched the sky,
Consumes all but a stalk of water-lily.
Unscathed and unharmed till the end,
It begins to blossom once again.
Although there is danger, you will not be harmed.
You will receive help from benefactors when managing your affairs.
The lotus survives the flames of the fire; you can still be safe even if the conditions are hazardous.
The scorching sun is like a fire in the sky and the lotus grows in such scorching heat. But it is ultimately not harmed by the flame, its roots remain firm and its leaves still lush.
This is a neutral lot.
Although there is danger, you are unharm. Carefully plan what you set out to do and you will surely receive help from benefactors.
Lacks safetySelf:
Need take good cautionsInvestment and financial management:
Less profits despite working hardBusiness:
Will meet vile charactersAgriculture and commerce:
There will be ups and downs, so be cautiousCareer:
Meet obstacles but can overcomeAcademic and examination:
Must work extra hard, else will not advanceMarriage:
Have false alarmTraveller:
Obstruction on wayHusbandry:
DamagesMissing person:
In the WestMissing things:
LossMigrating and moving house:
Maintain status quoChange:
Stay put, & waitSickness:
Do vast offerings for blessings and dedicationsAncestral grave:
Should make repairs