Reflections from IRCC National Convention 2018
Reflections from IRCC National Convention 2018...
[THROWBACK] Youth Adult's Seminar《HAPPILY WED!》 | 29 OCT | SUN|
Wondering what kind of Buddhist teachings would fit in the modern day marriage life, I attended the seminar...
[THROWBACK] Youth Adult's Service《What Awaits U Beyond Your Last Breath》 | 23 SEPT | SAT|
And.... it's a wrap! Today's Young Adults Service carried great significance to everyone who came.
[THROWBACK] Youth Ministry's《Exam Blessing Puja + Mass Mugging》 | 10 SEPT | SUN |
Hear what our youths have to say about today's event:
+1 xxxx xxxx is calling
"+1 xxxx xxxx is calling"... An Unexpected Call that Set Our Hearts on Fire!
Meeting Minister Khaw Boon Wan and Minister Ong Ye Kung @ BW Monastery's Buddha Relic Ceremony!
Do not be bound by our course and stay committed to our cause.
BW Monastery Welcomes You!
BW Monastery Welcomes You! Our youths are in their last lap of preparations to welcome you for the Grand Opening Ceremony tomorrow!
The Weighty Consequences of Disparaging the Sangha
Just like we wouldn’t disparage Matrieya Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva...
We are grateful to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and our organisation BW Monastery for this rare learning opportunity