BWMY Explores BW Monastery! 我们的寺院,我们的家!
Get ready for some virtual 360° experience! 我们的寺院,我们的家!吉祥青年爱吉祥宝聚寺!
In a World of Controversies, Backbiting and Calumny...
Amidst the storms, may we not let the external storms whip up hurricanes and tornados of afflictions within us. Let’s guard our hearts...
Featured Article: THE ODDS... Spreading Positivity & Expressing Faith Through Dance
At The Odds, we have seen how many youths blossomed into self-assured individuals through music...
Featured Article: THE ODDS... Bringing You Music That Heals, Fills & Lifts Your Souls.
The Odds at their practice session for the upcoming JOYOUS RHAPSODY 2017 VOICES OF THE HEART...
Gyming My Way to Enlightenment!
Changing perspectives does not come easy. Much like fitness, both require determination and constant practice...
Live Your Now.
Take heart, happiness is real. It is attainable. And it starts from... Now.
THROWBACK to Young Adults Ministry Service| 《HE DID NOT CHOOSE TO HURT ME》 | 22 JUL | SAT |
May we, in face of suffering inflicted upon us by our harm-doers, fear only of losing compassion for our torturers.