
我们The Odds努力地在练习吉祥悦音乐会的排练,感恩法师们来关怀提策,这是我们的使命,为佛教保留一股暖流和元气!

                        Busy rehearsing for Joyous Rhapsody! Mega grateful to the Venerables for popping by to spur us on and reminding us to have a sense of mission — to be the lifeblood of Buddhism!


Jing Bo: Very insightful comments made by venerable 祖广, i agree with her that 现在的时代 we must learn how to adapt and think out of the box, most of us now are just blindly following.👍🏼

Han Ya: After the short conversation we had with her, I realized that the approach and the journey is much more important than the outcome itself. Focusing on the ideal outcome and reminiscing about it, wouldn't be as perfect as the little hiccups faced during the journey. It's always the small pieces that make the big picture.🎈💕

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Amos: First of all I would like to say that I definitely had fun during the dance  session yesterday.  Would like to thank chermaine for taking out her time to teach us these dance moves. I am really grateful for having the opportunity to perform for the monastery and hope to have more of such session. 

Secondly,  I really like what the venerable Zu Guang has said.  I feel that in life whatever we do we should always 为众生着想.  This will definitely help us to train our 心 to 放下 so that in the future we will not have greed thoughts.

Jing Kai: I think her sharing was very helping and enlightening especially for me cause I really really dislike new environments, so when she share how she from her kampong suddenly come here I very relatable. Overall very grateful that she can drop by and so impromptu-ly give us such an amazing sharing 🙏


感恩法师们来提醒弟子们: 学佛的年轻人是能灵活变通的,在哪里都能适应,因为我们学习顺应缘起的改变,以及从多方面观待人事物


In a World of Controversies, Backbiting and Calumny...


Featured Article: THE ODDS... Spreading Positivity & Expressing Faith Through Dance