【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】后时如何行者 What to do at the conclusion P5
也许你以前没有尝过,他劝你,你不想去吃,最后你想不妨去尝,然后你跑到厨房里面一尝——这么美! 告诉你停下来,对不起,明天再来吃!你回去了一天到晚想:唉,等到明天,实在是等不到,最好今天中午就吃!我想我们有这个心情吧!就这么善巧,就这么好法,欸,它就是这样!这也是我亲身的经验。我曾经跟你们说过,二十几年我这个念佛的经验,欸,但是到了第二天晚上就不来了。嗯?昨天晚上怎么这么好,今天晚上为什么不来呀?怎么找也找不到。
以后经过若干年以后,我这个了解以后,那时我在另外一个地方,也是一个人在那儿闭,然后那时候,以前每次得到了好处就不行了,啊,原来毛病在这里啊!那时我也这样坐,坐了没几分钟,欸,境界现起,啊,非常好!我就忽然一个念头想到:哎呀,善知识告诉我马上下来。我就那时候下了绝大的决心欸!把那腿硬是拿掉,然后下来了。下来了以后我就发觉了: 真美啊!虽然下来了,我一想:哎,这个时间怎么过得这么慢,我要赶快回去再坐第二座! 不管做什么事情它那个心就拉着你。
日常师父法语 25A 00’20”手抄稿第四册 P3L2
25A 00’20”Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P3L2
English Lamrim Volume 1, P100
【Meditation Session】
【What to do at the conclusion】
【If you end your session while still wanting to meditate, you will be eager to reenter each future session. Otherwise, it is said that you will feel nauseous when you see the cushion. 】
You might not have tasted it before. So this person tells you to try, you did not want to at first, then you thought, why not try it. So then you went to the kitchen and tried it, and realized it was so good! If he told you to stop eating, and said, “sorry, you have to come back tomorrow to eat more!” Then you would go back and think about it all day, “eh, have to wait until tomorrow, really cannot wait that long, really would like to eat it for lunch today!” I think we all have had that sort of mindset before! So the method is that skillful, that superb. Eh, it is just like that! This is also my own personal experience. I have told you before about my experience in reciting Buddha's names for 20 some years. Eh, but during the night after, I couldn't experience the same feeling anymore. Hmm? But it was so good the night before? Why couldn’t I have that experience tonight? I couldn't find it [the reason] at all.
After a number of years had passed, I got to understand this principle. At that time, I was at another place. I was also by myself doing a meditation session. Then at that time, I realized that whenever I got to a very good experience and it would not come again; ah, I realized where the problem was! So I was in a sitting meditation, and just a few minutes had passed, eh, the state [i.e. correct state of mind] arose, ah, very good! All of a sudden one thought flashed, "Ah, my teacher told me to immediately end my session". It took great determination to do that! I yanked my legs from the meditation position. Then I exited the session. But after I ended the session, I discovered that, it was so beautiful! Even though I had ended it, I thought of it, “ah, why time passes so slowly, I need to get back to a second session!” So, regardless of what you are doing, that mindset will just keep pulling at you.