【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】后时如何行者What to do at the conclusion P6
我们不要说在那里摸不到,就是你摸到了,也是苦苦地在那儿硬撑撑下去,撑了很长。撑了很长,结果什么啊?味道嘛是没有,哎呀,坐得嘛脚又痛、腰嘛又酸,所以结果啊,下一次还没有看见座位啊,发呕! 叫你去,心里想说:唉,最好慢一点!所以我们真正用功的时候,你了解了这个,就巴急不得,不能,要早去。你如果把握不住这一点的话,最好希望拖得晚一点,所以才我们会拖拖拉拉的。假定说你对这上早晚殿尝到了味道的话,叫你到七点钟去,你一定六点五十分早就去了,先坐起来,他不坐我要坐。毛病就在这里! 所以我这黑板上面告诉,特别写,拿现在的话: 让那个修行做你的朋友,不要让修行做你的冤家。我们现在就是这样,让修行做我们的冤家,真是好可惜!
日常师父法语 25A 01’56”手抄稿第四册 P4L6
25A 01’56” Vol. 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P4L6
English Lamrim Volume 1, P100
【Meditation Session】
【What to do at the conclusion】
【If you end your session while still wanting to meditate, you will be eager to reenter each future session. Otherwise, it is said that you will feel nauseous when you see the cushion. 】
We don’t need to mention the situation when we cannot figure out [See Translator Note below]; even if you have figured it out, you still try to continue with it [i.e. meditation] strenuously, continue on strenuously for a long time. So after continuing strenuously for a long time, what is the result? There is no taste [i.e. joyful feeling when meditation is done correctly], and ah-ya, the legs hurt from the sitting [meditation], the back is sore. So in the end, before you even see the cushion again, you feel nauseous! We ask you to enter [into meditation], and in your mind you think, “eh, it is best if I can go there later!” So when we truly begin to work at it, when you understand this, you cannot wait, you want to go early. If you cannot get a good grasp of this point, then you would wish to delay the session, that is why we drag our feet. But if you have tasted the true flavour of the morning and night rituals, when we ask you to go at 7 am, you would be there early at 6.50am and start on your own. It does not matter if others do not want to do it, I want to do it. This is where the problem lies! So I have written on this board for you, in particular, for us now, let meditation become your friend, do not let meditation become your enemy. That is how we are now. We let meditation become our enemy. That is really a pity!
[Translator Note: Shifu could be referring to figuring out the right technique to completely focus our mind during meditation]