【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】饮食知量者-非太减少 Appropriate diet - Not eating too little
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】-饮食知量者-非太减少
所以那一天我们老和尚告诉我,我也晓得这个事情。在早一些时候,在三十年以前,整个的大陆上面,广大的地区只吃两餐,上午、下午就这样,好好的,没问题。我们现在三餐,还要营养,还要这么多东西,还嫌不够,凭良心说,太多、太多了! 我们不妨自己试试看,就是不要说别人,你自己在你没出家之前,然后自己量一下,我们两餐吃下来的东西啊,比一般人三餐有余,你相信不相信?你跑到哪里去看好了,乃至于仔细看的,我以前也是这样的。以前我每餐吃的时候啊,那个饭碗只是浅浅的一碗最多。后来我就持午了,一餐这个饭可以吃下三碗来!一餐哦,两餐还不算,那个菜,你不妨去看看,这个是千真万确的事实。
来源 Source:
日常师父法语26A 11’46” 手抄稿第四册 P49L5
26A 11’46” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P49L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P105
【The Meditation Session – What to do in between meditation sessions】
Appropriate diet - Not eating too little
So that day our senior venerable told me this, and I knew of this too. In the earlier days, more than 30 years ago, in the entire China, in most of the areas, they only eat two meals, morning and afternoon, that is it. It was fine, there were no problems. Now for us [i.e. people in general], we take three meals and we still want nutrition and all kinds of things, and yet we still think it is not enough. Honestly, it is too much, too much! We might want to try it for ourselves. Let’s not talk about other people, just think about yourself before you became ordained, and then you compare. What we eat in two meals is more than what normal people eat in three meals. Do you believe it? You can go anywhere to take a look and even look carefully. I used to be like that too. It used to be that whenever I ate during each meal, at most I would eat a bowl that was shallowly filled with rice. Later, I upheld the ethical discipline of not eating after noontime and during a meal I could eat up to three bowls of rice! That is for one meal, not to mention both meals and the side dishes, you might want to go take a look. This is an absolute true fact.