【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】五行动业 The five actions of movement
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】-正知而行者-何为所行事-五行动业
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25B 12’27” 手抄稿第四册 P28LL3
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日常师父法语25B 12’27” 手抄稿第四册 P28LL3
25B 12’27”Vol.4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P28LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P102
【Meditation Session】
【What to do in between meditation sessions】
【Acting with vigilance - The foundations upon which you act – The five actions of movement】
So you must start from the character of the phenomenon, that has strict definition at every place, then you evaluate yourself against it. Right from the beginning, meditation is something we do it on our own free will. Absolutely no one would force us and say, “Ah, so and so, you need to shave your head and be ordained!” There is no such thing. I was the one who felt good in doing it! So since it is out of your own volition, then you should be at it diligently. So now there are 5 types, 5 actions of movement and 5 actions of activity in a temple. Things that we renunciates do are none other than these. Movement means when you walk, etc. Activity in the temple would include eating, etc. So let us read on further.
【The five actions of movement are: 】
Movement, what are the things that you should be doing?
【(1) actions of the body: going out to other places, like towns and temples, and returning from them; 】
That is how it is. It refers to the actions of the body. Other than the things which we need to do at the temple, you have to go to other places too! Other places or perhaps you need to go into the city to buy things, or to go to other temples to join their rain retreat, to visit and attend invitation, etc. It is referring to going out and returning as one thing [one kind of action].