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【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】于彼行正知 Acting vigilantly with respect to the foundations

【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】- 正知而行者- 于彼行正知

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26A 06’26” 手抄稿第四册 P46L6 日常师父法语


做这件事情啊,一定要忆念正知,忆念正知什么啊?业——意业,意业。你清清楚楚、明明白白,这个是完全如理如法的。然后呢因为有这个正知现前,你身口的行为照着这样去做,身口相应。现在你身、口、意三业清净,请问你能到地狱里面去吗?所以这个故事有一个笑话,但是千真万确。说你这样做了以后,跑到地狱里面,阎罗王翻翻那个帐啊:对不起!这里没你分,你没挂那个号嘛!啊,这样! 他又恭恭敬敬把你送到天堂去。就是这么简单,说起来是这么简单!


来源 Source:

日常师父法语26A 06’26” 手抄稿第四册 P46L6

26A 06’26” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s  Discourse P46L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P104

【The Meditation Session - What to do in between meditation sessions】
【Acting with vigilance – Acting vigilantly with respect to the foundations】

For night, later on he [Master Tsong-Kha-Pa] will even tell us how we should sleep. This is plain and clear.

When you are doing this, you must be vigilant, be vigilant of what? Karma, mental karma, mental karma. You clearly and plainly know that this is completely in accordance with the teachings. Then because you have this vigilance, the actions of your body and speech will follow, your body and speech will be concordant. Now that the karma of your body, speech and mind are all pure, may I ask, would you go to hell? So there is a funny story, but it is absolutely true. It says that once you do this, and you end up in hell, Yama will look through the accounting book [of sins/merits and say], “sorry! You do not belong here, you have not made an appointment to come!” Ah, just like that! He will then respectfully send you to heaven. It is just this simple, when you speak of it, it is just this simple!

So regarding this point, we should inspire this feeling of desire, we definitely have this ability. This is why I said this in particular last night, it is not that we are not intelligent and have no abilities, it is a pity we have misused it. This intelligence and ability became a worldly intelligence with a knack for debates, and then one is concealed by his own faults.