【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】次应思惟如前经说,于自已作当作诸恩,乃至未发诚敬而修 In accordance with the sutras, contemplate how your guru's kindness has been and will be helpful to you. Meditate on that.
【修持轨理】正行 - 此处修法
清净的行相生起来了以后还够不够? 不够!还要像前面所说的念他的恩,这个师长对自己的已经做的恩以及当作的恩。已经做的恩固然要,当作的恩同样要,实际上同样的重要。因为已经做的恩,所以你会一心一意地依靠他,因为你还要求得更多,所以你绝不想放弃他。已经做的什么恩?那今天我们有这个机会在这里,都是靠善知识,没有善知识绝不可能,我们现在还在恶道当中。当做的什么恩啊?你不是要成佛吗?所有的事情都要靠他,没有一个例外的。你能够这样想,那么下面就行了!
日常师父法语24B 13’51”手抄稿第三册 P278L8
24B 13’51” Vol. 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P278L8
English Lamrim Volume 1, P100
【Meditation Session】
【Actual Session – ii) How to sustain the meditation specifically】
【Then, in accordance with the sutras cited earlier, contemplate how your guru's kindness has been and will be helpful to you. Meditate on that until you develop respect from the depths of your heart. 】
Is it enough to generate the aspect of mental clarity? Not enough! You will still have to do what was said earlier, to recollect his kindness, what your guru's kindness has been and will be helpful to you. Not only it is necessary to contemplate how the guru's kindness has been to you, to contemplate how the kindness will be helpful to you is also necessary. In fact, they are equally important. This is because from contemplating how his kindness has been to you in the past will make you want to rely on him wholeheartedly. Since you wish for more than what you have now, you will absolutely not give him up. What has been his kindness in the past? The reason we have this opportunity to be here is because of our excellent teacher. Without the excellent teacher it would be absolutely impossible. We would still be in miserable realms. How would his kindness be helpful? Do you not wish to become a Buddha? Everything you need for that will have to rely on him, there is no exception. If you can think like this, then the rest will be fine!