【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】正行 - 此处修法 Actual session- How to sustain the meditation specifically P6
【修持轨理】正行 - 此处修法
我们想想看,假定这种心理真正地形成了,你心里面会不会起一念的恶念啊?找不到一念恶念了!不清楚明白嘛!现在那个菩萨戒上面,我们说:「哎呀!不说四众过,不自赞毁他,难之又难。」你了解了这个道理轻而易举,叫你不做也不行,你只要把菩萨戒如法去持好的话,哪有不往生?比丘戒乃至于八关斋戒一日一夜都可以往生,何况持了菩萨戒,哪有不往生的?这不是清楚明白极了! 所以古人说万修万人去的法门,是绝对正确没骗我们,可是我们在文字上面空转戏论,那有什么用?所以他这里告诉我们你有了这个,至诚、恭敬都来了。那好,这正修
日常师父法语 24B 14’57”手抄稿第三册 P279L1
24B 14’57”Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P279L1
English Lamrim Volume 1, pg 100
【The Meditation Session】
【Actual session- How to sustain the meditation specifically】
Let us think about this. If you have truly formed this mentality, would you generate even one non-virtuous thought? You will not be able to find even one non-virtuous thought! Isn't this plain and clear? Now with the Bodhisattva vows, we would say, "Ah! To not criticize the faults of the four types of followers, to not praise the self and disparage others is extremely difficult." But once you understand this concept, it becomes very easy. I cannot even tell you not to do it. So if you are able to maintain the Bodhisattva vows well, why would you not go to Pure Land? Maintaining the Individual Liberation vows, or even one day and night of the Eight Precepts can get you to Pure Land, not to mention the Bodhisattva vows; why would you not go to Pure Land? Isn't this extremely plain and clear? So, the ancients mentioned the methods which enable thousands to go to Pure Land when thousands practice these methods. It is absolutely correct. They did no lie to us. But when we engage in mere elaboration of words, what use is there? So here he tells us, once you have this, sincerity and respect will all follow. Good, this is the actual session.