【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】第四支随喜 The Fourth Branch, Rejoicing
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23B 07’43”手抄稿第三册 P239L5
这个随喜,「十方一切......」,这个我一下记不住了,你们记得住吧?这个随喜支,「十方所有世间灯,最初成就菩提者,」(编者按: 十方一切诸众生,二乘有学及无学,一切如来与菩萨,所有功德皆随喜。)就是这个,那就是下面这个五类,对,没错,就是这个随喜。那么这个随喜支下面会告诉我们,这个随喜这个地方好像单单就外面,实际上呢自己也包括在里头。自他都在随喜,固然佛菩萨等等你随喜,还有你自己做对了你也随喜。妙咧!做错了是忏悔,做对了随喜。我们任何时候,不外乎做错跟做对两件事情,并没有说这个时候,既不错又不对,没有这件事情,没有中立的。
日常师父法语 23B 07’43”手抄稿第三册 P239L5
23B 07’43” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P239L5
English Lamrim Vol 1, P97
【Meditation Session】
Preparation (5) – The fourth branch is rejoicing
【The next verse expresses the fourth branch of worship, rejoicing: I rejoice in all merit, whatever it may be, Of all the conquerors of the ten directions, conqueror's children, Pratyekabuddhas, those with more to learn, Those with no more to learn, and all ordinary beings. "Rejoicing" means to remember the benefits of the virtues of these five types of persons,159 and then to cultivate delight in them as a poor person would with a discovered treasure. 】
This rejoicing, "the ten directions…." I cannot remember it all of a sudden. Do you remember it? This is the rejoice branch, 【Lights of the world in the ten directions who have reached buddhahood, which is without attachment,… 】 This is it. It includes the five types of persons. Yes, it is right. This is rejoicing. So then the branch of rejoicing, which below will tell us more. At this place, it may seem as if rejoicing is done towards the external objects only. In actual fact, it includes us too. We can rejoice ourselves and others. Of course you would rejoice in the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and so on, but when you have done something right, you need to rejoice too. This is marvelous! When you do something wrong, you will confess. When you do something right, you will rejoice. So at any given time, there is nothing more than doing something right or wrong. There is no such time when you are doing something that is neither right nor wrong. There is no such thing. There is no neutral ground.
When you are muddled and dull-witted, in the midst of ignorance, this is a time of acting wrong. Even though it may seem ethically neutral, but wasting and losing [values which may be gained] your life is a mistake. Therefore, you can be accumulating merit, or confessing your karmic obscurations at all times. You can also add on the rejoicing to the accumulated merit or the confession of karmic obscurations. Thus at any time, at least you can obtain these two complete good qualities.