【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】第三支悔罪 The Third Branch of Worship, Confession of Sins P8
你能够这样做,「昔已作,断其增长」,以前做的一定可以切断,未来的呢一定挡住。那个时候挡住了,这个不再来了,然后你净除它的话,拿掉多少,就清净多少。不会像我们现在这样,修了半天哪,是的,说不定你赚了三块、五块,可是你贴出来的本哪,嗨,三、五十块,乃至三、五百万哪,你还自己不晓得,这真是冤枉! 因为这样,所以我们念佛也好,拜佛也好,一声佛号种在这里,说经过无量无边劫,那个时候证一个罗汉果,想想真划不来!差别在这个地方。不过这个地方总则噢!总则,细则在后头讲。
日常师父法语 23B 06’50”第三册 P238LL2
23B 06’50” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse, P238LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1, P97
【The Meditation Session】
The third branch is confession of sins.
If you can do this, "you prevent the growth of the sins you did before and discontinue committing them in the future." For what you had done in the past, you can definitely sever it. In the future, you can definitely stop from committing more of it. Once you stop it, this will not occur again. Then you have eliminatedit. However much you can remove is how much will be purified. Then you will not be like how we are now, that is, we have practiced for a long time, yes, maybe you have earned $3 or $5 , but the cost which you have to incur, ah, $30 or $50 , and perhaps $3,000,000 or $5,000,000; and yet, you do not even know. What a waste of effort! Because of this, when we recite the Buddha's name, prostrate to the Buddha, even though we have recited the Buddha's name to plant the seed, after endless eons, we become arhats. When you think of this, it is not worth it! The difference is here. But this place speaks of the main principle! The main principles are here, the details will be explained later.