【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】第三支悔罪 The Third Branch of Worship, Confession of Sins P7
你能够这样做的话,「至心」,那时候你就至心,真的不会浮浮泛泛了。唉呀! 看见我以前做错了,做了错有这么大的害处,你无法容受自己的错误呀!那时候前面讲的话有道理,就像拿那个法镜一照,照你面孔上的黑点,照到面孔上的黑点,最多教人家看了一看,说你怎么黑的?现在你照到身心上这个黑点的话,这个地狱的猛火就等在这个地方喔,你简直受不了,这样啊
日常师父法语 23B 04’47”手抄稿第三册 P237LL6
23B 04’47” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse, P237LL6
English Lamrim Vol 1, P97
【The Meditation Session】
The third branch is confession of sins.
I will even tell you this ahead of time. If you can learn this and confess, you will see the effects right away, see the effects immediately. You absolutely should not say, "Ah-ya, after doing this for eight to ten years, we can wait until the moment of death to see whether you can be clearly mindful of the correct thought? No, there is no need to wait for that. You do not need others to tell you. You will know clearly right away. The sutra tells us, if you practice in the morning, you will know at night. What will you know? You have improved. If you practice at night, you will know by tomorrow morning. Why wait until the morning? For the immediate thought that you are cultivating now, you know it very clearly. This is the case when accumulating merits. It is the same when it comes to confessing karmic obscurations.
If you can do this "from the depths of your heart," when you can do this from the depths of your heart, you will truly not be distracted. Ah-ya! When you see that you have done wrong in the past, and that what you have done wrong could cause so much harm, then you will find your errors unbearable! Then what was said earlier will start to make sense, like taking the mirror of the teaching to show the dirt on your face. When there is dirt on your face, upon looking at you, people would at most say, "how come you got dirt on your face?" But when the mirror of the teaching shows the dirt in your body and mind, [it would mean] the blazing fires of the hell is waiting for you. Oh, you will find this unbearable. That is how it is!