【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】第三支悔罪 The Third Branch of Worship, Confession of Sins P3
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23A 28’08”手抄稿第三册 P232LL4
受五戒,它的妄语戒当中有一条,我当时一直不大懂,现在懂了。就是「证人入罪」,如果他犯了罪了,叫你去做证人,你看见的,你说:「对!我看见他。」不可以!欸? 我们说:「他明明犯了罪了,我只是说实话,难道叫我说妄语吗?」嘿,你们倒想想看,为什么?要嘛佛不如你,你对! 如果,你信得过佛的话,这个地方,它就有关键所在。所以不要说,「他就是错的」,我就在这个地方的话,好像理直气壮,就这个样。就这个样,错了!我们不要说佛法,不要说佛法——世法,记得不记得孔老夫子告诉我们一个最好的典型的故事? 有一个人,他这个父子两个人,他的父亲偷了人家一只羊,然后他的儿子去证察,说我的父亲偷了人家羊了。人家说,哎呀,这个人很直啊!孔老夫子听见了,摇摇头,「父为子隐,子为父隐,直在其中。」我想大家可能听说过这个公案,所以圣人教人的方法,的的确确不是我们无明愚痴的人所看得见的。
日常师父法语 23A 28’08”手抄稿第三册 P232LL4
23A 28’08” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse, P232LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1, P97
【The Meditation Session】
The third branch is confession of sins.
For people who observe the five vows, in the "no lying" vow, there is one stipulation which I did not quite understand before, but now I know the reason for it. This is in reference of "being a witness to indict someone." That is, say he is guilty of some crime and you are asked to be a witness because you saw [crime committed]. So you would say, "Yes! I saw him do that." This is forbidden! Eh? We would ask, "But he obviously committed a crime and I am only telling the truth. Should I lie instead?" This is something you want to think about. Why is that? Because otherwise, Or it would mean the Buddha is not as good as you and you are right!. However, if you truly believe in the Buddha, then there is a crucial point here.
That is why you do not want to say, "He is just wrong." And you stand tall to show you that you got every reason to be saying that. If you act just like that, thatThis is wrong! We do not even need to speak from the perspective of Buddhism, no need to speak from the perspective of Buddhism. Even from the perspective of the mundane world, do you remember that Confucius gave us a classic example for this? There was one person, a father and a son. The father stole a goat from another person. Then the son was summoned to indict the father, to say "my father stole the goat." Some people would claim, "Ah-ya, this person is really upright!" But when Confucius heard this, he shook his head and said, "The father should keep this sort of thing quiet for his son and the son should keep this sort of thing quiet for his father. That is called being upright." I think many people have heard this story. So the way a noble person teaches people is indeed something which cannot be understood by us who are foolish and ignorant.