【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】第三支悔罪 The Third Branch of Worship, Confession of Sins P4



这个父亲偷了人家羊,怎么办呢?这个儿子代父亲隐;反过来,儿子偷了羊呢,父亲要代他隐。欸?那我们想不通。这地方我所以说这样的话,倒不在这里深一层地追究这个理论,说明不管世间的圣人、出世间的圣人,他们这种态度是这样的。所以假定你自己觉得,我比佛,比孔老夫子还强,那你行你素,可以。假定你自己觉得,我们在无明当中,对不起,那么这种概念,第一个要先打一个问号。也不必马上摧毁它,先找: 欸,他为什么这个样,我为什么这个样?你这样的话,我想大概可以改变了。这点在这里不谈忏悔,不深究,将来真正谈到那个忏悔的时候,会特别地强调,特别地说明。
正式说起来,我所以说随喜的话,你随喜的世间的染污之法,固然增长罪恶;你随喜了妙净之法的话,妙不可言! 我们现在十大愿王中,最容易修的那一支就是随喜功德,可是我们现在不随喜功德,都随喜罪恶,那真可惜呀!


日常师父法语 23B 00’10”手抄稿第三册 P235L1

23B 00’10” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P235L1
English Lamrim Volume 1, pg 97

【The Meditation Session】

This third branch of worship is confession of sins

The father stole someone’s goat. What should one do? The son needs to keep it quiet. On the other hand, the son stole a goat, the father should keep this as a secret. Eh? So we cannot figure out this one. The reason I say this here is not because I want to go into detail of the principles behind it. But I say this to show you that whether it is a sage by the mundane world's standard or by the supramundane world's standard, this is their stance. So if you feel that you are better than the Buddha, better than Confucius, then you do whatever you want. That is fine. But if you feel that we are amidst ignorance, I am sorry, with the above mentioned concept, you should put a question mark on this first. You need not have to completely repudiate it right away, but you can first look for [the reasons], "Eh, why does he [see it] that way and why do I [see it] this way?" If you can do this, I think then you will be able to change. With this point, we will not go in depth into the topic of confession here. Once we really get to the section of confession, we will particularly emphasize and explain this.

To speak of this formally, when I speak of rejoicing others, if you rejoice the defilements of the mundane world, you will of course increase sins. But if you rejoice the wonderful and uncontaminated teachings/actions, it is marvelous beyond words! In the Ten Great Prayers, the easiest one to practice is to rejoice in others’ good qualities. Currently, we do not seem to rejoice in good qualities but instead rejoice in sins. That is such a pity!


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】第三支悔罪 The Third Branch of Worship, Confession of Sins P5


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】第三支悔罪 The Third Branch of Worship, Confession of Sins P3