【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】什么叫不共?What is different?
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】-结语
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26B 23’51” 手抄稿第四册 P76L3
现在我们想想看,如果是你能这样做的话,你还有恶业吗?没有了。如果你能这样做,善业不够吗?当然,现在你一直在善业当中,好了! 而且这个善业产生什么?相续的现行,一直在现行当中。
来源 Source:
日常师父法语26B 23’51” 手抄稿第四册 P76L3
26B 23’51” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P76L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P108
【The Meditation Session - What to do in between meditation sessions】- Conclusion
【Everything that I have said here about how to act - before, during, after, and between sessions applies to all of the meditations described from here through and including the section on insight. The only exceptions are the distinctive meditative procedures during the actual sessions. 】
Ok! Now it says other than during the actual sessions; during the actual sessions, the object of meditation that you sustain could be different. What is different? It is distinctive, for example I recite the name of Amitabha Buddha. Yes! So what I focus on is Amitabha Buddha. If I recite Avalokiteshavara, then it is Avalokiteshvara. Or perhaps, I would be here to inquire on "what is your true self?" So everyone has his own distinctive way which is different from others. Other than this, the above mentioned preparation [before], actual session [during], conclusion [after] and in between sessions, that is, other than the actual meditation session, during the in between times, all the things which we need to do are included here. We should follow all this to do so.
Now let us think about this. If you can do this, would you have bad karma? No more. If you can do this, would you not have enough virtuous karma? Of course, you are now continuously in virtuous karma. Great! Furthermore, what does this virtuous karma generate? A continuous manifestation [in your mind], it continues to manifest.