【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】未修中间如何行者 What to do in between meditation sessions
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】- 结语
我们现在呢,整个的这个现行都在烦恼当中,都在烦恼当中。所以为什么尽管你念佛,嘴巴在那念佛,心里还在烦恼相应。精神这么旺健,可以打起精神来都提不起,临终的时候病苦,苦成这个样子,你能提得起来了吗?所以那个时候,就算你拿一个大喇叭摆在你耳朵里面念,念佛,你也没用。你会觉得:唉呀,我痛得要命,你们还吵我干什么啊! 这千真万确的哦!
不要说临终,就现在,比如说精神好端端的,跑得来叫你去做一件事情,唉!做这个事情,这么麻烦哪!我们都心里这样想耶,何况生病的时候! 这样。所以当你真正慢慢地去做的时候,到那时候就好了,那个靠什么?就是靠我们现在还壮健的时候。真正重要的都在眼前哪,千万不要现在壮健时候的那点小聪明,害了自己啊!
来源 Source:
日常师父法语26B 25’11” 第四册 P76LL3
26B 25’11” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P76LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P108
【The Meditation Session】
【What to do in between meditation sessions】【Conclusion】
When you are truly facing life and death, what prompts you to go towards your next life? It is the manifestation of your last thought upon death. That is the thing which brings us to our next life.
How about us now? All the manifestations [of our minds] are in the midst of afflictions, all are in afflictions. This is why even if you recite Buddhas’ names, even though the mouth recites the names, the mind still concords with afflictions. When your spirit are still strong and healthy, you are able to focus but you cannot seem to perk yourself up. Needless to say, upon death, there is so much suffering from illnesses, very suffering, can you focus then? So at that time, even if you put a big speaker that recites the Buddhas’ names in your ears, it would be of no use to you. You would feel, "Ah-ya, I am going through so much pain, why are you bothering me?" This is absolutely true!
We do not even have to talk about at one’s deathbed. Even now, for example, when you are still quite energetic, and are asked to do something, “Ah! This thing is so troublesome!” This is how we think. Needless to say when we are sick! Like this. So if you truly, gradually try to do it, then when you get to that time you will be ok. What does that rely on? It relies on now when we are still full of energy. What is most important is right in front of our eyes now. When you are still physically strong, you absolutely do not want to let your little cleverness (or petty tricks) harm yourself!