【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher P22
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22A 06’19”手抄稿第三册 P183L1
你说真正修行人是非都不谈吗?谈!什么情况下呢?要辨别清楚,怎么样去恶从善,他辨别得很清楚,是!但是他绝对不是像世间上面的这种谈论是非的方式,这个我们要差别弄得很清楚。修行绝对不是大糊涂蛋,修行是决定大智慧,他对任何一个行相判别得非常清楚——是啊、非啊! 但是他的判别是什么?晓得怎么去去染转净。喔,这个坏的,你怎么样去净除它,怎么样防止自己不受染,净化,然后怎么样去帮助别人。在这种情况之下,他有这个毛病,你如何去帮助他,当然你还晓得他的病根何在,所以你一定对方也知道他,可是这种知道的,跟平常我们在烦恼当中这个行相绝大地不同。你后者的知道,你完全不动,所以你能够他的是非看得很清楚;另外一种的话,你自己完全缠在里面,你也不晓得自己染污不染污,实际上呢,一团黑。所以前者是正分别,这我们必须要的,后者是妄分别,这是我们要去掉的。而我们所以能够去掉妄分别,就是靠你那个正分别。
日常师父法语 22A 06’19”手抄稿第三册 P183L1
22A 06’19” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P1837L1
English Lamrim Vol 1, P91
【The faults of not relying on the teacher】
So you might ask, "Do true practitioners never talk about whether others have done right or wrong?" They do! This is done under what kind of circumstance? It is to clearly determine the non-virtues that should be casted aside and the virtues that should be adopted. They can clearly distinguish the two. Yes! But they will absolutely not speak of the subject like the way people gossip in the mundane world. This is the difference that we should know clearly. To practice the teaching is not to become very muddled-headed. To practice is to cultivate the great wisdom, in order to be able to clearly discern each subjective aspect – what is right and what is wrong! But on what basis does he make this discernment? It is for the purpose of knowing how to purify the defilements. Oh, this is non-virtuous, so how should you eliminate it? How would you prevent yourself from becoming stained, and how would you purify yourself. And then after that, how would you help others? In such situation, when someone has a certain type of problem, how would you help him out? Of course you must first know the root of his problem. So once you determine the root of the problem, the other person understands it too. But this kind of understanding is different from the way we normally understand others while under the influence of afflictions. Your understanding is completely unaffected by afflictions. Thus, you are able to determine clearly what he does is right or wrong. As for the other kind of understanding, you are completely entangled inside the whole affair, you don’t know whether you are in defilement or not. In fact, it’s a convoluted mess. So with the former kind of understanding, it is a correct discernment. This is what we must have. The latter case is an incorrect discernment. This is what we should eliminate. What enables you to eliminate the incorrect discernment is the correct discernment.