【亲近善知识 Relying on The Excellent Teacher】未依过患者 The faults of not relying on the teacher P23
在前头我们刚开始的正分别,是跟闻、思相应的,等到你证到无分别智的时候,那个时候如如不动,那个是修相应的。但是修相应的这个如如不动,并不是什么都不想喔,这个又错了。所以根本、后得等这种行相,慢慢地、慢慢地我们了解,我们千万不要现在说:「啊!你不要去妄分别。」实际上呢掉在大无明、大糊涂当中,什么是非不辨,这个叫做修行。假定这样修行的话,那太容易了! 你只要睡在那里的话,这不是修行吗?你在这儿什么都是不分别当中啊!所以佛经上面也说,那个螺蛳、蚌蛤那种人,他是无分别,他岂不是也得了无分别智了吗?他根本分别不清楚是非善恶来的,所以这个我们要弄得很清楚,随便一提。这里你要分别得很清楚信的行相,把握住这点,好了!
日常师父法语 22A 07’42”手抄稿第三册 P183LL5
22A 07’42” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P183LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1, P90
【The faults of not relying on the teacher】
The correct discernment that we have in the beginning, we accord with study and reflection. By the time you attain non-conceptual wisdom, you will be unaffected by anything; that would be in accordance with meditation. But to be in accordance with meditation, to not be affected by anything, this does not mean that you don't contemplate. That is wrong again. So with the characteristics of "equipoise" or "post-equipoise," we will gradually, gradually come to understand them. Now, we should absolutely not say, "Ah! Do not discern incorrectly." This is in fact very ignorant and very muddleheaded. Some would say that there's no need to determine what is right or wrong, and they would call this cultivation. If this is called cultivation, then this is just too easy! All you have to do is sleep. Would that not count as cultivation? That is the time that you are not discerning anything! Therefore the sutras have also explained this: for people who act like conch, snails, mussels and clams, they are in a non-discerning state, then wouldn't this mean they have attained non-conceptual wisdom? They cannot even figure out what is right and wrong, what is virtuous and non-virtuous. Thus this is something that we need to clearly distinguish. I just wanted to mention this in passing. This is where you need to clearly distinguish the characteristics of faith and get a good grasp of it. Alright! Then, there are the characteristics of stinginess, lies and speaking divisively etc. These are even more terrible and coarse. These are easy to understand. With regards to people who lie and speak divisively, "the wise" (that is those who truly have wisdom) should definitely not befriend them or follow them. These are sinful people. Therefore, sinful people are absolutely not those who get into arguments, who shout at you, who dispute you at present. No.