BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Venerable Jing Yuan Selection of Quotes 净远法师:法语集

Reading Pleasure - Selection of Quotes by Venerable Jing Yuan
1.    A person pointing straight at your nose and scolding you presents an especially precious opportunity.
2.    Instead of being scared to death by challenges, fight to the death!
3.    Have you noticed? You have forgotten to smile while giving your regards.
4.    Sum up successful experiences and build up joy; ultimately, you will not be defeated by any failure.
5.    To family members, too, say more “thank you.”
6.    If you always regard yourself as an ordinary person and beat a hasty retreat without even trying, you will not accomplish anything.
7.    Learn to smile, a genuine smile.
8.    Why is it so difficult? It is because you haven't learned; it is not that you can't do it.
9.    Is beauty scarce? Or, is it a dearth of discovery?
       It is, rather, lacking in an eye for discovery of beauty.
10.    If you lack the means to observe the practice of giving and making offerings, you can lavish your smile.
11.    Difficulties are prime opportunities to break through self-imposed limits, spread your wings and soar to great heights!
12.    Do not underestimate day after day and year after year of effort; from slow accumulation of golden sand, a mountain of gold will materialise.

见闻生欢喜 - 净远和尚法语相册
一.    如果有人指着鼻子骂您,这种机会特别珍贵。
二.    与其让困难吓死,不如起來奋斗累死!
三.    您有注意吗?您问候时忘了微笑。
四.    总结成功的经验、累积欢喜心,到最后任何失敗都打不倒你。
五.    对家人,也要多讲 [谢谢]。
六.    总觉得自己是凡人,还沒有做就打退堂鼓,那你什么事都做不成。
七.    学习微笑,真心的微笑。
八.    为什么会难?因为你还没有学,不是你不行。
九.    到底是缺少美?还是缺少发现呢?应该是缺少发现美的眼睛。
十.    没能力布施供养,可以布施供养微笑。
十一.    遇到困难的時候,正是展翅高飞、突破自我极限最好的机会。
十二.    不要小看日复一日,年复一年的努力,从金沙慢慢累积,将来就会有一座金山出现。