Recital Transmission by Rinpoche


29/1/23 ~ 3/2/23








   5月7日有一位法师提示,彼云:“你依止力不够。”一语提醒了自己的大毛病。 所言依止力,必先深明四谛,知世间之苦、空、无常,四大、五蕴之虚诳颠倒,识罪福业因,由是一心仰皈三宝,直如死囚求救,庶几不为妄情俗尘所牵,不为“如似而非”之妄见所惑。能不为惑、不被牵,方能肯心向道,由自净以化他也。而欲求自净,必依三宝、上师──三宝之化身,则一心皈投之情自切,由此修习,庶几真实上道矣!勉之!




Pre-Puja Briefing

The Four Refuges – One of the four preliminary practices

1. The Four Refuges – Practicing through Recitation of the Four Refuges

Why is there a need to take refuge? When we become mindful of death and understand the impermanence of life and that there is a high chance that we will fall into the miserable realms after death, such understanding will lead us to be fearful of the consequences and push us to act. And if we believe that the Triple Gems are the ones able to save us and that taking refuge sincerely with the Triple Gems is the only means to save ourselves from such eventuality, we will do so. Taking refuge is the first step as we enter the door to Buddhism, giving rise to Bodhicitta on the other hand, is the first move towards Mahayana. Hence, Dharma practitioners once having taken refuge wholeheartedly, will be able to receive the most supreme power of reliance; that is why taking refuge and setting motivation is the first preliminary practice before the start of any Dharma practice.

As written in the Lamrim - taking refuge with the Triple Gems; prostration, making offerings, imploring teachers to remain, requesting the turning of the Dharma wheel etc. within the seven-branches prayer, are true evidence to the great value and significant meaning that Triple Gems have brought to all sentient beings.

In Teacher’s Global Lamrim Discourse Lecture 183, she quoted an entry from Master’s diary written on 7 May 1988, as a special reminder to everyone, that in order to be truly rid of cyclic existence, to be truly removed from all sufferings, there is only one way and that is to take refuge sincerely with the Triple Gems. Only the Buddha can fully explain to us the true meanings of karma and emptiness, so therefore it is important and critical for us to take full refuge in the Triple Gems and in our Gurus. 

The entry in our Master’s Diary is as follow:

On 7th May, one Venerable said, “Your reliance on the Three Jewels is not strong enough.” This statement reminded me of my greatest flaw. Speaking of the power of reliance, one must first have a profound understanding of the Four Noble Truths, realizing worldly suffering, voidness, impermanence, the four elements, as well as the deceit and delusion of the five aggregates; he must recognize the causes of suffering and happiness respectively. And hence, he would then wholeheartedly take refuge in the Three Jewels, just like the prisoners on death row desperately seeking help. He would not be distracted by delusive feelings and worldly matters, nor would he get confused by inverted views. Only when he is neither confused nor distracted, can he be earnestly focused on the path by purifying defilements to help others. Hence, to seek self-purification, he must rely on the Three Jewels and the Guru, who is the embodiment of the Three Jewels. Thus, he will earnestly aspire to take refuge wholeheartedly. Only by following such practice, can he advance on the path! I shall strive hard for it!

Everyone, please listen to this Discourse and slowly, deeply appreciate and understand our Master and Teacher’s intentions. Then with your utmost joy and sincerity, generate the strongest and heartiest faith to take refuge while receiving the Lamrim lineage transmission.   

Puja Organising Committee

1st February 2023