于7月31日 (农历6月19日)是【观音菩萨成道日】,一大早僧俗二众为施主们点灯祈福、消灾、延寿。恭颂
#吉祥僧团 合十
Auspicious Reminder #132
31st July 2018 is Avalokitehsvara’s Enlightenment day, and both Sangha and the laities made lights offerings on behalf of all donors, and supplicate for blessings and longevity. During the puja where the Universal Door Sutra was recited, there were more than 400 attendees present!
It isn’t a public holiday, yet so many came to experience the Dharma joy. The great compassion and blessings of Avalokiteshvara can be felt deeply as the puja ended on a perfect note. The Sangha and laities not only accumulated great merits, but also completed the virtuous deeds of dedicating to all beings.
Recalling parts of Shantideva Bodhisattva’s dedication verses:
May all beings to be able to offer sincerely to the Buddhas, and attain limitless merits, peace and happiness! May all be free from sufferings, refrain from non-virtuous deeds that lead to sickness! May all be fearless, and to be well and happy always!
With gratitude, we rejoice with all donors’ offerings and generosity!
With folded palms,
BWM Sangha