【Further Meditation on Suffering 希求解脱】after they have counted on it, they will again fall 从彼仍当堕

【Further Meditation on Suffering】- after they have counted on it, they will again fall

After they have counted on it, they will again fall.  
Though it may seem as though they have transcended  
The turbulence of the miserable realms,  
Yet, like birds soaring in the sky,  
They cannot stay forever,
though they try—  
Like an arrow shot with the
strength of a child, They will fall
back down in the end.

One will certainly fall in the end. Therefore, at the time it may seem as though they have transcended because they don't have the suffering of pain.  [It would seem as though] they have transcended the great sufferings of the miserable realms.  But I am sorry.  The nature of the suffering of conditionality remains and therefore things will not stay the same forever.  This is much like the birds soaring in the sky.  Even though they will temporarily fly, but I'm sorry, they will have to stop after flying for some time.  This is also like an arrow that is shot.  Once the force wanes as it goes toward the sky, it will fall back down.  In the very end, the final destination of it is such that one will still have to fall at the end.  

Just as butter lamps that burn for a long time  
Are in fact perishing in
every moment, They are
afflicted by the changes of
The suffering of

This is much like a butter lamp. Though it is lit now, but at all times, there will never be a moment that it is not gradually, gradually, gradually disappearing.   In the end, one will still be afflicted by the sufferings.  The miserable realms are filled with sufferings.  But the happy realms will end up being the same.  


72B 15’14” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P278 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P295

日常师父法语📡72B 15’14” 手抄稿第9册P278 L5

希求解脱 : 从彼仍当堕









【Further Meditation on Suffering 希求解脱】When you have become disgusted with cyclic existence, you will wonder about its causes.    厌患生死意欲出离


【Further Meditation on Suffering 希求解脱】Doomed to fall after 80,000 great eons 住定八万大劫还堕落