【The Six Types of Suffering 希求解脱】The fault of repeatedly descending from high to low (1) 数数高下过患 1
【The Six Types OF Suffering】- The fault of repeatedly descending from high to low (1)
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71A 25’28” Vol 9 of Lamrim Commentary P227 L8
This is descending from high to low. When he talks about descending from high to low, that means you will ascend first. Afterwards, you will descend again. Just like that. "Having become Indra, worthy of the world's honor," in other words, you have done all kinds of generosity and in return received all sorts of great offerings in this mundane world, such as becoming a king and so on. I am sorry, after you created [nonvirtuous] karma, you will fall again, you will fall again. That is one of the stories we told the day before, it is about a king who actually had done good deeds! But he became drunk and had someone killed. He consequently fell into the miserable realms. So at this point in time, as we take a look at this, this is really terrible! Hence nothing is desirable in this world. Once you fall into the miserable realms, I am sorry! "Even having become a universal monarch," this is even better. But you will descend once again to become a slave in cyclic existence. A universal monarch holds the highest position in the mundane world. A slave has the lowest position. Not to mention a universal monarch, let’s say if you are originally a boss and suddenly you become an entry level worker. We wouldn't be able to take it. Let alone falling from the status of a universal monarch! At this very moment you may be the president, and next, a prisoner, ah! And then you ascend to the heavens, afterwards, you fall into hell. In all these places, the following describes all the things you will have to experience.
71A 25’28” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P227 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P286
日常师父法语📡71A 25’28”手抄稿第9册P227 L8
希求解脱 : 数数高下过患 1
这个是高下。他讲高下的话,就是你先上,上去了以后下来,就这样。“既成百施世应供”,换句话说,你做了种种的布施,然后受到世间的种种的好的供养,那帝王啊什么等等。对不起,造了业以后你又堕落了,又堕落了。前天我们讲的那个故事当中就有这个,一个国王,他还做好事哦!吃醉了酒了,杀了一个人,结果堕落了。那现在这个时候,那我们看看,那不得了!所以世间是一无可取,一旦堕落了以后,对不起!“既满转轮圣王已”,那个是更好,一下在生死当中做奴婢,转轮圣王是我们世间最高的,奴婢是最差的。我们现在不要说转轮圣王,本来做个老板,忽然跑得去做一个伙计,我们就受不 了,何况是转轮圣王!一下做个总统,忽然之间做个阶下囚。唉!然后呢升天,天完了以后到地狱,这个种种地方,它下面这个里边都受这个事情。