【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】This is suffering, you should recognize it 此苦汝应知
【The Eight Types of Suffering】- This is suffering, you should recognize it
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68B 01’59” Vol 9 of Lamrim Commentary P122 LL7
o here now is an analogy. It is much like when one is ill, one will feel the suffering of this illness. So you will want to know the cause for this illness. You will want to know on how to eliminate the cause for this illness. To seek elimination of this illness, that's when you will seek for medicine. That's when you will rely on a remedy. Similarly, this is why for this suffering, due to this suffering we find the cause - the truth of origin. Then from this cause, we can see that it is something that can be eliminated - the truth of cessation. And then, how do you eliminate it becomes the truth of the path. This is what we should really do, "this is suffering, you should recognize it!" Then, you should eliminate [the cause] and cultivate [the path]. This is it. This is the origin of suffering which you should eliminate! And this is the cessation which you should attain! What should you do if you want to attain cessation? You will need to cultivate this path!
68B 01’59” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P122 LL7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P270
日常师父法语📡68B 01’59” 手抄稿第9册P122 LL7
希求解脱 : 此苦汝应知