【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】For karma that already took fruition, you would not be able to clear it away. 已感果的业无法净除
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- For karma that already took fruition, you would not be able to clear it away.
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64B 25’29” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P283 LL1
【Qualm: If you can totally remove even very powerful karma, how is it that the sutras say, "Except for the fruitions of former karma"?
Reply: There is no fault with this reasoning. The Buddha spoke in this way with the following intention: when fruitions such as blindness already exist, it is difficult to remove them with a remedy. However, it is easy to stop the effects from arising at the time of the cause, i.e., when the effect has not already taken place.】
He brings up another question here, he asks, "Suppose it is just like what you've said, after the confession, you can clear away all the nonvirutous karma. Then when the scriptures said in regards to the fruitions of former karma, the scriptures say that these are the exceptions. Why are there these exceptions? If you are able to clear away everything, what else can be an exception? If there is an exception, wouldn't that mean there is no complete removal?" So it says next that when your karma has already taken fruition, when it has already taken fruition, you will not be able to clear it away. During the causal period, you can still do that. During the causal, if you cultivate to purify it, at that time, you can still stop it.
64B 25’29” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P283 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P256
日常师父法语📡64B 25’29” 手抄稿第8册P283 LL1
业果 : 已感果的业无法净除