【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】What is the real remedy? 什么是真的对治
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- What is the real remedy?
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64B 23’17” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P282 LL4
【You have not found a remedy that destroys the seeds of the afflictions. Yet, you have weakened the karma with a contrary condition. Consequently, even though other conditions do assemble, the karma does not fructify. You can see many such situations among external and internal causes and effects. 】
Just like what was said earlier, you have not found the real remedy! What is the real
remedy? To truly remedy this, you will have to completely destroy the capacity. What would that be? That is when you attain emptiness. That's when you have the exact antidote. That's when you apply the real remedy! For the remedy that we have now, the seed has been weakened, the capacity to bear fruit has been weakened, and that is why it will not fruit despite meeting the right conditions. "You can see many such situations among external and internal causes and effects." This is the same for the internal or the external cause and effects.
【Therefore, although you strive at the accumulation of much virtuous karma, if you do not guard against the causes that destroy virtuous karma such as anger, the virtuous karma will not give its effect, as stated above. 】
Therefore you should pay attention to this! It is the case that after committing nonvirtues, we could confess to purify it. But similarly, though you might have done many virtues, but if you have wrong views, malice and so on, you will also weaken your roots of virtue. This is what we practitioners need to be particularly cautious with!
64B 23’17” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P282 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P256
日常师父法语📡64B 23’17” 手抄稿第8册P282 LL4
业果 : 什么是真的对治