【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】The characteristics of laziness 懈怠的行相
【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- The characteristics of laziness
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47B 20’54” Vol 6 of Lamrim Commentary P239 L2
【Offerings made by yourself are offerings made manually by yourself. Do not have others make them for you out of your laziness, indifference, or carelessness.】
What are offerings made manually by yourself? It is not something that, “Oh, we have done it ourselves!” No, it is not like that. It is not just done with your body and speech; your mind needs to be in this as well – you will have to not be lazy. Pay attention to the word “lazy.” Lazy means your mind does not concord with joyous perseverance. If you do not use the teachings properly to motivate yourself to do this, that is called laziness. When other people force you to do it, you do so with grievance. That is considered laziness. Even though you have done this and accumulated merits, however, this is such a pity! We all behave this way, wasting our time and wasting our energy for nothing! We would have accumulated meagre merits, and perhaps even amassed many sins! This is most unfortunate.
If at this time you are able to change yourself by gaining the correct view, then even though you are still doing as much work as before, this will issue an entirely different effect. Moreover, under many such situations, you will be able to obtain [what you wish for] now.
47B 20’54” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P239 L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P198
日常师父法语📡47B 20’54” 手抄稿第6册P239 L2
皈依 : 懈怠的行相