【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 plant the cause for a good environment 种好环境的因
【The Varieties of Karma】- plant the cause for a good environment
Therefore, we often say there is no good environment now. May I ask for the effect of a good environment, have you planted the cause for a good environment? Have you? This is where we should do some self-criticism! Therefore, if we feel that we do not have it, we should quickly be sincere and earnest to sweep more floors, clean more tables and help facilitate the environment. Hey, we will immediately obtain benefits and in the future, you will certainly be in a good place. Do you believe this? Therefore, now I often see how people are with their own things, oh, they would protect it really well. But no one cares about the things of the temple. This is the reason we are doomed to become worse and worse. Therefore, remember this: personal asset is like dirt, but the communal asset is like one's life. Ah! Remember this: official business first, official business first, after the official business is done can you then do personal business. If you can truly do this, you will certainly achieve.
54B 15’48” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P212 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P228
日常师父法语📡54B 15’48” 手抄稿第7册P212 L5
业果 : 种好环境的因