【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 How do you overcome the blind spot? 死角靠什么转过来?

【The Varieties of Karma】- How do you overcome the blind spot?

Therefore I had just said this earlier where it is not that you could not do this, not that you could do this, you just need a small shift in your mindset. Yesterday a fellow practitioner told me, "Ah! I feel so delighted after having heard the treatise! I could not overcome the blind spot. I always felt that I was right, I just felt that way. Now all of a sudden, I broke through it." He then realized that as soon as he had this breakthrough, the issue became incredibly simple! I then told him, yes! True, absolutely! We always feel that, "Ah! This can only be done by Buddha and Bodhisattva. It is too hard if you ask us to do it!" Actually, the real difficulty is not who is doing this, Buddha, Bodhisattva or you, but the most difficult barrier is the view. The day you obtain the correct view, accept it, and obtain a breakthrough, ah! The entire situation will open up. That is when you will feel the delight! Normally we feel that we have all the reasons in the world to back ourselves up. By then you will feel, ah, you got all the apologies in the world to make. That is when you are correct! What is that like then? You will be right!


54B 22’57” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P216 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P228

日常师父法语📡54B 22’57” 手抄稿第7册P216 L5

业果 : 死角靠什么转过来?



【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 Horrendous wrong view 可怕的邪见


【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 plant the cause for a good environment 种好环境的因