【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】The link between three mental poisons and karma 三毒与业的关系

【The Varieties of Karma】- The link between three mental poisons and karma

Therefore for everything, when you engage in the action, due to the varying weightiness of these characteristics, therefore, it will lead to varying weights of karma. When you kill, your mental state will also determine [the weightiness]. If the action was done with intense forms of the three mental poisons, then the karma will be weightier. For example when you kill, let us say a bug bit you, and without bearing an intense form of attachment or hostility, ah, you see it! Through instinctive reflex, "pa", you smash it. At this time, yes, you have committed the karma of killing, but this killing will not be as weighty. Then when you see your enemy, oh! You become bold with evil, you think of all sorts of ways [to harm your enemy], your hostility is very strong. Then this action will become very weighty. Similarly, for the scenario with the bugs, if you normally find the bugs very annoying, then when you see the bugs, your mind will develop great hostility. So with the same smash, it may be the same bug, the karma of the latter scenario will weigh more. The more intense the three mental poisons, the weightier are the actions.


54B 02’56” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P205 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P227

日常师父法语📡54B 02’56” 手抄稿第7册P205 L4

业果 : 三毒与业的关系



【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 plant the cause for a good environment 种好环境的因


【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Think about cause and effect, and the problems in front of you would be resolved 想到业果,眼前问题解决