【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity 暇满】 The human life that is difficult to attain even in ten million eons 经俱胝劫亦难获的人身


【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity】- The human life that is difficult to attain even in ten million eons

Well then, when you cultivate the Mahayana path, it is not something that can be done by these beings. Who are they? The Nagas and others of the eight classes. They are described below. These we often come across. Demigods, though they are better than us. Nagas, though they are better than us, and even the garudas. When the garudas open up their wings, the wings span 300 something 60,000 miles, 3,600,000 miles, not sure how long, but it’s quite long! Then when they flap their wings down, the ocean will part, and the largest of nagas can be eaten at once. They are that powerful, just like that. But it’s of no use too! So it doesn’t matter which class it is.

Also the Descent into the Womb Sutra (Garbhavakranti-sutra) states: Even though you have been born a human with such limitless suffering, you still have the best of situations. It is difficult to attain this even in ten million eons.

En! True cultivations all rely on being a human. But even if you have been born a human, there could be “limitless suffering.” Ah, there are no real peace and happiness in the six realms! But this (the human realm) is a truly auspicious place! How auspicious is it? “It is difficult to attain this even in ten million eons.” It is so difficult to attain a human life! Needless to say a human life of leisure and opportunity, even those who do not have leisure and opportunity, even to be those people without leisure and opportunity, it is extremely difficult, extremely difficult to attain!


30B 18’40” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P211 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P121

日常师父法语📡30B 18’40”手抄稿第4册P211 L7

暇满 : 经俱胝劫亦难获的人身





【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity 暇满】Deities look forward (a human life of leisure and opportunity) as something they aspire 天人也想要投生的愿处


【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity 暇满】 Just as an elephant calf craves a few mouthfuls of grass 犹如象儿为贪着数口草