【Listening 听闻】Develop aspiration through listening to the teachings 听闻之发心


【LISTENING】– Develop aspiration through listening to the teachings

[In brief, develop the spirit of enlightenment, thinking: 
For the sake of all living beings, I will attain

In brief, to sum it all up, what is the main framework for us to initiate sincere aspiration? I, for the sake of all living beings, must attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all beings.

[In order to attain this, I must train in its causes;]

You want to become a Buddha, Buddhahood is the effect, and so what would the required seed be? What should be done at the causal stage?

[for this, I must know those causes.]

You must know the causes first, and then apply accordingly.

[For this, it is evident that I must hear the teachings.]

In order to know [the causes], hearing the teachings.

[Therefore, I will listen to the teachings.]

Listen to the teachings and the systematic application will be applied accordingly.

[Remember the benefits of hearing. Eliminate the faults of a vessel, and so forth, and listen with great delight.]

Going through the process of hearing, [the author] started with the benefits of hearing, and, with this, the attitude of great delight is then gradually initiated. “Great delight” is joyous perseverance – so it is called “aspiration relies on faith, diligence relies on aspiration.” (信為欲依, 欲為勤依) Once you hear clearly, then you generate faith, wow! Feeling this is truly what inspires you. Moreover, the aspiration will be closely followed by diligent engagement – acts of joyous perseverance. And then, listen with intention to abide by it.  What to abide by was described as the first step of preparation; that is, “eliminate the three faults of a vessel and rely on the six ideas.”


12B 05’38” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P128 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P63

日常师父法语📡 12B 05’38”手抄稿第2册P128 LL5

听闻 : 听闻之发心















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