【Cultivation of our mind 修心】How to examine cultivation? 如何检查修行?


【Cultivation of our mind 】- How to examine cultivation?

So don’t say, Oh, I am cultivating now! You should examine your progress after studying for so long – are your afflictions decreasing or increasing? If your afflictions are increasing, then whatever you are doing is incorrect. Don’t say, “I am right, he is wrong!” Alas, you don’t even know how wrong you have been! No matter how much you know, how good you are at the Dharma instrument, or how flexible your legs are in the meditative posture, even if you attained meditative stability, these are of no use! We need to grasp the specific characteristics of Buddha Dharma.


9B 3’41” ~ 4’16” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P20-LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P56

日常师父法语📡9B 3’41” ~ 4’16”手抄稿第2册P20-LL2

修心 : 如何检查修行?

不要说:哎呀,我现在在修行啦!那你看看你修行了半天,你的烦恼在减少,还是烦恼在增长?假定说你烦恼在增长的话,你怎么做都是错的。不要说:“我这个对,他这个不对!” 啊,你根本不晓得错到那里去了!不管你懂多少道理,不管你那个法器敲得多好,不管你那个腿盘得多实,乃至于得了定,这个还是没有用!佛法的特质我们要把握得住。


【Cultivation of our mind 修心】How to change current situations? 如何改变现状?


【Listening 听闻】Develop aspiration through listening to the teachings 听闻之发心