【Cultivation of our mind 修心】How to change current situations? 如何改变现状?


【Cultivation of our mind 】- How to change current situations?

Usually, our minds have latent behaviors that are not easy to change. This is called inertia. Changing this state requires a force. In physics, you can push or pull, but what does our mental force rely on? It relies upon contemplation. Once you have contemplated, you will say: there are great benefits in doing so, there are great disadvantages if this is not done. And you will change. Actually, this concept is easy to understand. We are here feeling good, and don’t feel like moving. If you discover that this place is unsafe and dangerous, that force will push you to move. Or, if there is some special advantage somewhere, you want to go there, that force will pull you. This is the same idea here: upon contemplation, it will pull you to hear the teachings. 


10A 11’21” ~ 12’04” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P43-L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P57

日常师父法语📡10A 11’21” ~ 12’04” ~ 12’04” 手抄稿第2册P43-L8

修心 :如何改变现状?



【Cultivation of our mind 修心】What do you do when you see faults 观过时怎么办?


【Cultivation of our mind 修心】How to examine cultivation? 如何检查修行?