【Listening 听闻】That terrible person has eaten already 坏蛋已经吃过了


【LISTENING】– That terrible person has eaten already

Ben Kungyal later became a renowned teacher in his time. There were all kinds of stories about him that are still spreading now. Each of his stories is very touching. Once, he was with the Sangha community to receive offerings, and there were many monks. Since he was ordained later than others, he was seated in the back. The arrangement of their dining hall was like what we have now [by ordained seniority]; their arrangement was considered pretty good... The way Tibetans have their tea – when offering, they used butter tea, the top layer is thick with butter and the amount of butter gradually decreases toward the end of serving the tea. He sat in the back waiting patiently; at first, concentrating on studying, but later, the next thought arose, “[My] stomach is hungry and cold. Alas, by the time it will be my turn, there will be no more butter left on the top.” With this thought, he felt, “Ah! Ben Kungyal, here you go again!” So he vigorously glared with widened eyes, and took his alms bowl “pa!” flipped it over. [With the bowl] turned over, when the server came by: “Hey, you, it is your turn, take out your bowl!” He replied, “That terrible person has already eaten, he needs to starve today.” That server didn’t know what he was doing: “You take it out!” “No, that terrible person has eaten already; he must starve well for one day!” Due to his generation of such a thought, he left his bowl that way. Thus, he eventually became a great virtuous teacher of his time – a model practitioner.


12B 00”58” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P125 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P63

日常师父法语📡12B 00”58” 手抄稿第2册P125 LL1

听闻 : 坏蛋已经吃过了



【Listening 听闻】Develop aspiration through listening to the teachings 听闻之发心


【Listening 听闻】Changing our mentality by listening to the teachings 意极起热恼,我当趣正法