【业果 The Varieties of Karma】在内心中认得习气 recognize the existence of our habits within ourselves
业果 : 在内心中认得习气
日常师父法语📡55A 20'09" ~ 21'03" 手抄稿第七册P234 L1
55A 20'09" ~ 21'03" Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P234 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P230
【The Varieties of Karma】 - recognize the existence of our habits within ourselves
Therefore, habits are most important [to focus on]. Moreover these habits carry on without our awareness. We simply do not know it ourselves. You are trapped by this all day long. Therefore, as we begin to cultivate, we must certainly and truly strive to overcome these habits. To overcome these habits, we certainly need to gain the correct understanding. We must know what we did wrong and what is correct. This wrong or right is not just an understanding of words. What the words describe are the subjective aspects [or behavior] in our minds , and these are what you must recognize. When you correct [these], it does not mean in terms of words only . You may be speaking impressively about the Dharma and after you have finished speaking, you might become a great Dharma Master. Oh, you become renowned and so many people endorse you. These are of no value at all. If you cannot purify your mind, then all these become defilements. This is a point that we should understand.