【业果 The Varieties of Karma】难改更应拼命努力 Strive to change what is difficult to change


业果 : 难改更应拼命努力




日常师父法语📡55A 18'50" ~ 19'57" 手抄稿第七册P233 L5     

55A 18'50" ~ 19'57" Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P233 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P230

【The Varieties of Karma】– Strive to change what is difficult to change

【habituation--frequently doing or becoming used to and deeply involved in either virtuous or nonvirtuous actions for a long time; [177]  】

This is habit.  Long time means from the beginningless time, whether we have our eyes open or closed, whether we are very clear or are unclear in our minds, all these times are included in there. Once a habit develops, it is very difficult to change indeed.  Now we often find an excuse for ourselves, "Ah-ya!  This habit is difficult to change, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas tell us habits are difficult to change."  So we take it like a token of authority, [since] Buddhas and Bodhisattvas say it is difficult to change habits, so you do not try to change.  This is completely wrong.  You want to learn to become like the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, since you wish to learn to become like the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, when the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas tell you that this is very difficult to change, you need to pay attention!  We need to understand what was said.  If you do not understand, then for something that was meant well, you would have twisted its meaning.  This is telling you, "It is difficult to change, therefore, you need to strive desperately to change, before you can actually change!"  This is what was intended by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. 


【业果 The Varieties of Karma】在内心中认得习气 recognize the existence of our habits within ourselves


【业果 The Varieties of Karma】积功德还是损功德 Accumulating merits or losing merits