【Relying on the Teacher 依师】The bridle that tame the wild horse is 调𢘙悷马的利衔是...
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- The bridle that tame the wild horse is
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14B 03’26” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P201 LL3
【As is implied above, the senses pursue improper objects and, like wild horses, 】
The trainer uses an effective bridle to tame the undisciplined horse – the unyielding one!
【lead you to engage in unsuitable actions. Just as the trainer tames a wild horse with a good bridle, 】
Our five sensory faculties are just like a wild horse – constantly spinning around external non-virtuous objects. When the faculties – the monkey or horse mind – follow an inappropriate object that is the time to tame and discipline it. This is the true spirit of the precepts. It is not the external appearance. Instead, it is the training of the mind. If we just focus on the external image of “wow, I am here creating the image”, this is the external appearance! Therefore, we must recognize when our minds are ruled by the five sensory faculties spinning around the external objects, we need to bring it back, and the first applicable antidote is the precepts.
14B 03’26” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P201 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P71
日常师父法语📡14B 03’26”手抄稿第2册P201 LL3
依师 : 调𢘙悷马的利衔是...